93 9 the lake. Let’s take the phone call right now. Good morning. You are this 75th caller. You get a free subscription to Cannabis Weekly. Congratulations.
Oh man. What does that come last?
<Laugh>? Well, page
Two, free joints and a magazine with rolling
Papers. The entire magazine is a scratch and sniff. So
I like the folks Cody Bass. That’s why I played all this, these cool zen music and Connie likes all the zen stuff and just kind of some kind of mellow out. Plus, you know what, I like it when stuff doesn’t happen, but in a good way. Like the forecasters are saying, you know, atmospheric River last night, this morning was gonna be a cluster beep. And then it, I looked outside, I go, oh my God. I could still see the railing and the walkway that I shoveled, and I, oh man, this is a, and then a plow went by right when I went outside to take the dog for a walk. And it’s like, ugh. It’s little things like that that tend to lift one spirits nowadays.
<Laugh>. Right. No, I mean it’s amazing what the little things will do. Yeah. Just a glimpse of sunlight and it’s like, oh man, <laugh>, the world is still here.
It weird, man? It’s just weird. I, I think after a while, and let’s be honest, there’s a lot of folks on edge. I, you know, look, I can detest that. I can detest that. Yeah, I can attest that. So it’s just interesting that when you, when you get a bright spot literally out there, it, it, it makes you realize you have to kind of put things in perspective. I know I’m gonna, like, I, when I get home, I’ve got a sledgehammer waiting for me, cuz the entire backside of the roof came crashing down and Connie said the cat freaked out and he is still hanging upside down on the ceiling in the kitchen. And so all the ice and snow came crashing down. But, so at least I don’t have to worry about that side of the roof. So that’s good news,
<Laugh>, right? That’s exactly, you get little wins. Yeah, that’s the win. You can get ’em.
That’s exactly it. So how, how are you doing? How are you hanging in there? I imagine you’re probably doing for the most part. Okay.
Yeah man, we’ve been doing good. You know, I mean it’s like anybody, it’s just been a kind of constant Yeah. Nonstop maintenance. But I think we got really fortunate between the, the last, what they were calling for an at Atmospheric River seemed to go just a little south of us. And yeah, that’s, I think it it was a savior and it seems to be somewhat the same with this. So let’s hope because the flooding man is what what I kind of felt was like, yeah, the most imminent threat. But hey, if we can let it slowly drain, it’ll be much better.
Yeah. And I, I was giving Kudus to, I’m gonna have, I think I’m gonna have on Brook Lane on tomorrow, Brook Brooklyn, if you’re listening, you’re on tomorrow. She’s our board of supervisor district five out in El Dorado County to, cuz she said they had to kind of defer from some of the plowing to take care of the you know, the drains and everything. So because they had to deal with all the, you know, potential flooding. And I, and I gotta give kudus for the city for, you know, filling in as many potholes. I took a picture of a Subaru, I think it’s a Subaru. I just saw the antenna sticking out of this body of water on pioneers. So, but I’ll send it over to you and you see if you can Nice.
Care of them.
So you’re right on. Yeah, no, I mean, you know, it is right now it’s, it’s almost like whack-a-mole. You’ve got one, you deal with one thing and there’s another one that’s popping up, right, yeah. Right next to you almost. So there, there is, but at the same point, I mean, this is a year of just like, it’s unprecedented so crazy. No, I know. You know, we gotta know this happened, but it is definitely unusual and and, and it’s, it is true. Everybody has kind of reached their Yeah. Their tracking point almost not, I mean, you know, at the same point we, the, the late, the days are every day’s longer now we hit daylight savings time. We’re, you know, we’re seeing the light. So just gotta hang in there. And then before we know it, man, the lake is gonna be so prime this year. It’s gonna be a oh man, that’s a great year. And have you seen, they’ve said that the lake has mixed, like in the first time since I believe the late nineties. And so they said the clarity is gonna be unreal this summer, which is wrong. It’s gonna be
Unknown. And, and I, and, and emerald bays over, not all of it, but you know how the news media gets all excited about themselves. They said, oh my god, the whole lake’s frozen over. No, but a big chunk of it is frozen, which was kind of interesting.
It is, yeah. Yeah. It’s a man, it is a unique year. I mean yeah, it, it was wild how we went though from real blizzard cold winter conditions, boom, right into spring rain. I mean, it was like, what’s the flip
Now? How are you guys handling as far as the city goes? I guess there’s three grocery stores, two on the South Lake Tahoe side that have closed down both rails and the Safeway over at Round Hill. And I, I heard, Hey, is is it confirmed TJ Max had to close yesterday?
Yeah. You know, it is. So, okay. You know what’s happening and it, it’s a really good thing. There’s inspectors not just city inspectors, they brought inspectors from, from the county and to, to go through the commercial buildings and basically just ensure that they’re not gonna be a, a harm to public safety. And so inspectors have had to close a couple buildings until they’ve reduced the flow, snow load, a few buildings have had to close until they actually Oh, right. Fix the structural issues. So each one is in a kind of a different place, but hopefully, you know, the, the property owners will do what they need to make it, make it safe for the public. But it is a real concern for public safety. You know, we, we obviously don’t want a lot of people in a, in a building where the, there’s potential for the roof to collapse.
Right. So that is happening. And nobody wants to shut down a grocery store. At the same time we want to have and know that we’ve got everybody’s public safety in mind that we’re not gonna have a major catastrophe. So that’s kind of the whole idea here. And you know, as much as it’s a bummer and people I know are very concerned, we do still have, you know, smart and final grocery outlet, the Safeway here in Biju Whole Foods and the best one Grassroots, so Oh yeah. You know, we we’re not like, we, we still have That’s great question. The resources we need and, you know, yeah. It’s a bummer to see both rails closed. I think that’s, I gotta hit everybody hard, but we’re, we’re gonna get ’em back open and it’ll be good.
I got a nice note from they posted it on my page from grocery Outlet saying, Hey, we’re well stocked and we have a solid roof. Come on down. Tahoe
<Laugh>. Nice. Yeah, we, well, we got the inspection at TWC. The two guys came by and I think it was two days ago. And and yeah, we’re lucky. The, the man that built my building, you know, back in the sixties, Mr. Neil Olson, he really built it like a army bunker. And so we’re, we’re pretty stoked. And we actually have a lot of wind where the wind kind of blows a ton of snow off. But man, I mean, it is such a it’s a big responsibility if you own a commercial building or a large house or a roof on a second story. I mean, these things are no joke in this amount of snow. There’s so much maintenance to to keep it up to par.
Now how about tall Walnut Center, because that’s definitely, I would think with all the heat going on inside that building, the snow doesn’t have a chance to accumulate
<Laugh>. Yes. Right. <Laugh> keep the pu the Ps of smoke melting the snow on the roof. Right. Hey
Folks, instead of putting those those little those one of the little melt, those puck like melting things you put on the, you get, you just play. I just, I went by Cody’s place and there’s, I have 47 bongs on the end of the, on the end of the roof there. So there’s no ice dams forming there. That’s good news.
<Laugh>. Nice. I love that. Just get the bongs Buble in the bong and yeah. Keep
It. But you guys are okay out there structurally as far as that goes, or,
Yeah, structurally we’re good. Some of our biggest challenges have actually been getting deliveries and hopefully this week we should start to see that. So we’ve had a few products, not many. We’ve had a few things we’ve run low on mainly, and it’s just a fact that nobody can, can get to Tahoe because they drive these little two wheel drive vans and you know, flatlanders not so used to putting chains on. So anyways, we’re we’re that, that’s probably been our biggest challenge through a lot of this is just keeping the supply chain open and being able to get them over the pass. So, this is just an unprecedented winter and we’re going to keep moving through it. The good thing too is we produce, you know, a good amount of our own cannabis right here on site, so Of course. Right. We’ll never run out of that. Right. and, and really we didn’t run out of too many things. It’s just been I think like anybody, man, there’s just so many, it’s just an unpredictable time. Yeah. You know, whether it’s in business, whether it’s your house, whether it’s trying to go snowboard, go to the airport, everything. It’s true so that you can’t predict what’s possible. I
Just try to keep my mind in this like I hate to say it cuz it sounds used too much. It is like kind of like a mellow zen because if you stress over it, you know the problem’s still gonna be there. So why add more anxiety to your body when you don’t have to? And I, I was just thinking you know, when you just try to attack what you do every day just to keep it at bay, you know, you know, like the minute it finishes another storm comes through, I gotta get out there instead of the old school. Like, oh wait till the several storms comes through. No, cause I’m not gonna chip away at five feet of snow. So you just, you just kind of tackle it as it comes and then you just kind of try to mellow out. I can’t go to my hot tub right now cuz there’s like a 12 feet of block ice that slid off the roof, but I’ll get there eventually, you know?
Exactly. Just one step at a time. Yeah. But you’re so right. If you, if you can be proactive through this stuff, it’s, it saves you hours and lost with stress stress. Yeah. Lots of back pain. That’s
Like, I think, you know what, I know this sounds kind of weird, but I think with stuff like this happens, well, especially with during Caldor, you always feel a sense of community because everybody’s going through pretty much the exact same thing. And then it’s weird how when folks off the mountain are going, oh, it must be gorgeous up there. Go, yeah, well here’s a freaking shovel, why don’t you come up here and show how gorgeous it is so we can see it. You know, so you just kind of find
For sure you
Find stuff that, that everyone has a common bond and this is it right now,
<Laugh>. That’s right. Definitely. And that common bond I think will, will only stay common through, through a few of us. I I think we will probably see a fair amount of people. Bill, you know, I really don’t think I wanna live at 6,400 feet, three hours from the Pacific anymore. <Laugh> just like the I I think we may see, you know, maybe not a mass exodus, but I think that there, there probably are people reconsidering. It’s where they decided to relocate. Well and hey, honestly, that’s not a bad thing. That’s not a bad thing. No.
You know. Okay. I think, I think I speak on behalf of at least 77% of locals up here that this winter should have been placed in the winter of 20 21, 20 22, when everybody started coming up here thinking like, I’ll just work from home, you know, cuz of this pandemic thing and I’ll kick everybody out who lives in my place up in Tahoe and move up there. Then I, I wanted this winter back in 2021. So they go, what the hell’s going on, man, I can’t find my Tesla. I can’t plug my car in Jesus Christ. Oh God. Something like that.
<Laugh>. Yes, exactly. We should make a, we need to make a skit to that. Yeah, that’d be great. That’d be, yeah. Hey, so well hey Howie, it’s I hate to have to cut this one short. I know, I know. City council we’re doing it all virtual today, so you know, it’s actually feeling like we’re back in 2021, but it does, yeah. Because we’re under state of emergency. We’re doing it by Zoom and but yeah, I gotta run and jump on the Zoom,
Do this and do your council member thing and as always, it’s nice chatting with you. Make my Tuesdays much more palatable. So, thanks, Cody.
Hey, man. Yeah, it’s the always the, the favorite highlight of my week.
It Is, man. And try to get Joe Irvin High and take a picture of
It. All right. I’ll do my best. Okay. For sure. Alright,
Buddy. Okay, bye. Alright, see you.